Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello out there all you restaurant goers. I am a restaurant manager. I kinda fell into this job position, though at the time I thought that it was bet thing on earth. I mean what other job changes on a daily basis, I always have something to do and I am surrounded by FOOD. I love what I do, but some days wonder what in the hell I was thinking. So as I continue with this blog I will give you some LINGO to help you follow me. The first restaurant lesson is the difference between mangers. So when you restaurant goes come into a problem you will know who you need to talk to to get the best response.

FOH: Is the front of the house manger aka the person you feel that you can yell at, curse at and belittle on a daily basis.
BOH: Is the staff that is responsible for organizing and making your dinner who NEVER seem to be able to talk to the angry customer.

Don't get me wrong guys as you read this I know I will probably yell at you and wonder why in world people act like this, but I am one of the worst restaurant critic.

This is my blog and hope you guys find my life as crazy as I do.

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